Rocking C Ranch Morgans
We began with a Morgan mare, "Sugar" she was four when I was twelve and we grew to love the breed as we grew up together. "Sugar" was used as a trail and packing horse during hunting season besides being my first horse. She lived until she was 32 years old and gave us many years of companionship. We purchased four breeding mares in 2001 and began our program. We breed for confirmation of the Western Working Morgan Horse, calm yet energetic, excellent trail navigators with experience in the Rocky Mountains. Easy personalities, plus bold in color, well balanced, with the ability to accomplish anything. We have four generations on our ranch to show the history of our breeding program. Our stallion is a buckskin and is a culmination of breeding from the last 18 years; our breeding mares range from dark bay to palomino and smoky black. Welcome to our world of color...